A volume in the
Digital Imaging and Computer Vision series

Image Restoration:
Fundamentals and Advances
Edited by:
Bahadir K. Gunturk* and Xin Li**
*Louisiana Sate University, Baton Rouge,
Louisiana, USA
**West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press / Taylor & Francis, September 2012
ISBN 978-1-4398-6955-0
Academic community (graduate student, post-doc and
faculty) in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Applied
Mathematics |
Industrial community (engineers,
engineering managers, and research lab staff) |
This book responds to the need to
update most existing references on the subject, many of which were
published decades ago. Providing a broad overview of image restoration,
it explores breakthroughs in related algorithm development and their
role in supporting real-world applications associated with various
scientific and engineering fields. These include astronomical imaging,
photo editing, and medical imaging, to name just a few. The book
examines how such advances can also lead to novel insights into the
fundamental properties of image sources.
Addressing the many advances in imaging, computing, and communications
technologies, Image Restoration: Fundamentals and Advances
strikes just the right balance of coverage between core fundamental
principles and the latest developments in this area. Its content was
designed based on the idea that the reproducibility of published works
on algorithms makes it easier for researchers to build on each other’s
work, which often benefits the vitality of the technical community as a
whole. For that reason, this book is as experimentally reproducible as
possible. Topics covered include:
Image denoising and deblurring |
Different image restoration methods
and recent advances such as nonlocality and sparsity |
Blind restoration under
space-varying blur |
Super-resolution restoration |
Learning-based methods |
Multi-spectral and color image
restoration |
New possibilities using hybrid
imaging systems |
Many existing references are
scattered throughout the literature, and there is a significant gap
between the cutting edge in image restoration and what we can learn
from standard image processing textbooks. To fill that need but avoid
a rehash of the many fine existing books on this subject, this
reference focuses on algorithms rather than theories or applications.
Giving readers access to a large amount of downloadable source code,
the book illustrates fundamental techniques, key ideas developed over
the years, and the state of the art in image restoration. It is a
valuable resource for readers at all levels of understanding.
Details recent advances, latest
techniques, algorithms, and solutions in image restoration |
Presents a variety of image
restoration applications |
Explores research directions in
image restoration |
Contains numerous examples,
illustrations, results, comparisons, and bibliography for further
reading |