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Digital Imaging and Computer Vision Book Series!


A series of handbooks, textbooks, and references on the subject of digital imaging, computer vision, image / video processing and analysis, computational photography, pattern recognition, machine learning, visual communication, computer graphics, and multimedia, has been introduced by CRC Press / Taylor & Francis. The series has been founded and named by its editor, Dr. Rastislav Lukac, as a Digital Imaging and Computer Vision book series. Works intended to be published in this series should be directed to an audience of scholars and research scientists in academia and industry, as well as students and libraries at the senior undergraduate, graduate, and profession level.

This book series aims to systematically focus on state-of-the art systems, methods, applications, and recent advances in digital imaging and computer vision. Book proposals are solicited on all related aspects, from the viewpoint of both theory and practice. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

bulletimage acquisition and representation
bulletdigital camera imaging
bulletcomputational photography
bulletimage analysis and visual scene understanding
bulletcolor image and video processing
bulletimage compression and visual communication
bulletfeature extraction
bulletimage and video retrieval
bulletobject detection and pattern recognition
bulletfacial image processing and analysis
bulletcomputational intelligence and machine learning
bulletmotion analysis, object tracking, and surveillance
bulletcomputer graphics and multimedia
bulletvisual data semantics
bulletsecure imaging
bulletmulti-dimensional image processing
bulletbiomedical imaging
bulletspectral imaging
bulletvisualization and image display
bulletdigital imaging and computer vision applications

Submission procedure:
CRC Press / Taylor & Francis is seeking original high-quality book proposals for publication in the Digital Imaging and Computer Vision book series. Prospective authors should:
   1. Contact the book series editor (lukacr AT colorimageprocessing.com) with their book idea.
   2. Receive the book proposal template and instructions from the book series editor how to create winning book proposals.
   3. Submit their book proposal to the book series editor (lukacr AT colorimageprocessing.com).

Book proposals which meet all the requirements for a successful book project will undergo a review process. The book series editor can recommend publication, advise a course of action that will improve and make the author's intent more marketable, or recommend not to publish. All final decisions to publish or not remain solely up to the publisher.


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Last update: 11/27/10

© 2006 Rastislav Lukac