The 2007 Computational Color Imaging Workshop
(CCIW'07) will be held in Modena,
Italy, on September 14, 2007. The workshop is held along with the
Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP), the main
conference on image processing and pattern recognition organized every
two years by the Group of Italian Researchers on Pattern Recognition (GIRPR)
affiliated with the International Association on Pattern Recognition (IAPR).
Planning this workshop, the organizers
would like to focus on the methods and applications of digital color
image processing and analysis. The workshop is intended for researchers
and practitioners in the digital imaging, multimedia, visual
communications, computer vision, and consumer electronic industry, who
are interested in the fundamentals of color image processing and its
emerging applications in the areas listed bellow:
Computational color vision models |
Color constancy |
Color image understanding and
analysis |
Color data compression and encoding |
Color image/video indexing and
retrieval |
Color reproduction (printing,
scanning, displays) |
Digital photography |
Color image filtering and
enhancement |
Digital color image content
protection |
Color image/video quality assessment |
Multi-spectral and high dynamic
range imaging |
Applications and future trends |
Workshop Program:
Twelve papers, covering different topics and research directions in
computational color imaging were selected for the presentation at the
CCIW'07 workshop. It is believed that the selected papers well document
importance and challenges of computational color imaging and can provide
a good starting point for the valued discussion of the workshop
A. Gijsenij, Th Gevers, Color Constancy by
Local Averaging
S. Bianco, F Gasparini, R. Schettini, Combining Strategies for
Automatic White Estimation in Real Images
T. Jetsu, V. Heikkinen, A. Pogosova, T. Jaaskelainen, J. Parkkinen,
Cone Ratio in Color Vision Models
10.30 SESSION 2
O. Lezoray, A. Elmoataz, C. Meurie,
Mathematical Morphology in Any Color space
E. Garcia, M.R. Gupta, Gamut Expansion for Video and Image Sets
L. Marchesotti, M. Bressan, G. Csurka, Safe Red-Eye Correction
Plug-in using Adaptive Methods
T. Horiuchi, K. Watanabe, S. Tominaga, Adaptive Filtering for Color
Image Sharpening and Denoising
12.30 LUNCH
G Spampinato, A. Castorina. A
Bruna, A. Capra, JPEG Adaptive Chromatic Post-Processing
L. Ott, P. Lambert, B. Ionescu, D. Coquin, Animation Movie
C. Botte-Lecocq, O. Losson, L. Macaire, Color Image Segmentation By
Compacigram Analysis
G. Menegaz, A. Le Troter, J. M. Boi, J. Sequeira, Semantics Driven
Resampling of the OSA-UCS
A. Tremeau, J-B. Thomas, A Gamut Preserving Color Image Quantization
16.15 -17.00
Regular registration fee: €150
IAPR members: €120
Workshop Organizers/Chairs: |
Raimondo Schettini
University of Milano Bicocca
Milano, Italy
e-mail: schettini AT |
Rastislav Lukac
Epson Edge,
Epson Canada Ltd.
Toronto, ON, Canada
e-mail: lukacr AT |
Alain Tremeau
Université Jean Monnet
Saint Etienne, France
e-mail: Alain.Tremeau
AT |
Workshop Program Committee:
Jesus Angulo, Ecole des Mines de Paris, France
Sebastiano Battiato, Universitá di Catania, Italy
Stefano Berretti, Universitá degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
Marco Bressan, Xerox, France
Paola Campadelli, Universitá degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Francesca Gasparini, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
Theo Gevers, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Costantino Grana, University of Modena, Italy
Patrick Lambert, LISTIC, France
Rastislav Lukac, Epson Canada Ltd., Canada
Massimo Mancuso, STMicroelectronics, Italy
Jayanta Mukherjee, Indian Institute of Technology, India
Henryk Palus, Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Jussi Parkkinen, University of Joensuu, Finland
Giovanni Ramponi, University of Trieste, Italy
Steve J. Sangwine, University of Essex, United Kingdom
Gerald Schaefer, Aston University, United Kingdom
Raimondo Schettini,
University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
Bogdan Smolka, Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Shoji Tominaga, University of Chiba, Japan
Alain Tremeau,
Université Jean Monnet, France
Xiangyang Xue, Fudan University, China